| Rödl & Partner

Rödl & Partner is an inter-disciplinary professional services firm. We provide audit, accounting, tax, legal and business consulting services for international business organisations. Our 3,000 people in 83 office locations around the world offer truly integrated services in connection with cross-border investments.

Strona porusza takie tematy jak auditing of reasonability of transfer prices, prevention and avoidance of fiscal offences, auditing of special-purpose balance sheets, representation in preliminary proceedings, auditing of security deposit holdings, consulting on all areas of accounting, auditing-relevant consulting services, assistance concerning payroll audits, auditing of reconstruction concepts, preparation of earnings statements, international feasibility studies, auditing of environmental reports, preliminary turnover tax returns, assessment of individual matters, management information systems, auditing of monitoring systems, group annual account auditing, business process outsourcing, supplementary balance sheets, auditing of risk management, auditing of credit standing, closed-end investment funds, license royalty statements, auditing of balance sheets, wage and salary accounting, tax investigation searches, monthly reporting system, strategic tax consulting, international accounting, preliminary legal relief, risk-oriented consulting, computer-aided auditing, cost allocation systems, social security audits, risk monitoring system, tax burden comparisons, international auditing, chartered accountants, tax assessment notes, management reporting, restructuring plans, business consulting, management accounts, auditing of reports, group consolidation, statutory audit, risk management, annual accounts, cash management, special-purpose, tax litigation, tax consulting, internal audit, representation, special audits, tax compliance, due diligence, cash receipt, going public, edp auditing, tax planning, expatriates, tax returns, fraud audit, enforcement, edp system, compliance, reporting, tax audit, it audit, auditing, rulings, payroll, tax law, us gaap, fraud, audit, ifrs, reit, gaas, vat, isa, oraz inne.


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